protein diet

Features of a protein diet

Protein, also known as protein, is one of the three main components that the human body needs to be present. It involves all life processes. There are two types of protein: plant and animal. Animal protein is more valuable.

It contains essential elements and is absorbed by the body 92%-98%. Plant-derived protein contains only protein, which is absorbed by 60%-80%, but does not contain dangerous fats of animal origin. It is very important for people who are dieting to make up their diet correctly to keep it balanced. A diet consisting of 60% animal protein and 40% plant protein would be optimal.

Diet features

There are certain characteristics of the nutritional system that all people who are trying to lose weight must take into account.

  1. Protein saturates the body of people who work or exercise regularly. Such foods may be suitable for women who are pregnant. A simple protein diet menu is characterized by the intake of meat, fish and dairy products. The nutritional system is useful for people who want to shed excess weight without causing harm and stress to the body.
  2. The maximum duration of the diet is 14 days. This time allows you to normalize your weight without harming your body. The results of protein weight loss are characterized by stable indicators. To consolidate the results obtained, you need to gradually withdraw from the nutritional system, excluding fats, fried and sweets.
  3. It is recommended to repeat the diet after no more than 6 months.
  4. Foods containing protein need important advice for weight loss. The work of the excretory system is activated during eating, which can lead to complications. Therefore, it is necessary to observe drinking habits and drink enough non-carbonated water at this time.
  5. The total calories of the food should be around 1200-1400. Their deficiency can lead to disruption of internal organ function and weaken the immune system.
  6. The one-day weight loss protein diet menu allows you to enjoy the flavors of your favorite dishes (in small amounts) and keep you at a steady weight.

Recommended and Prohibited Products.

The protein diet menu for the day is varied, including a list of certain dishes that can be included in the diet at this time. Recommended products include:

  1. Chicken and turkey, beef, offal. For dieting, food needs to be boiled or stewed. Most commonly used skinless chicken. It is well absorbed and there are no problems with its preparation.
  2. skinny fish. It contains moderate amounts of protein and trace elements that are important for the proper functioning of the body.
  3. Cottage cheese and dairy products. The casein in their ingredients requires the body to work hard to digest. As a result, a lot of calories are consumed.
  4. Buckwheat and oatmeal, bread (rye, rye, whole wheat).
  5. Boiled eggs. The protein they contain is an easily digestible and nutrient-dense food.
  6. Vegetables with minimal starch (cucumber, cabbage, celery).
  7. Citrus fruits (oranges, grapefruits), sour apples.
  8. Canned tuna. They contain high amounts of protein and minimal fat content.

Particular attention should be paid to drinking regimens. You can add herbal tea, freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices, purified water.

When compiling a protein diet menu for the week, limit the amount of foods that easily convert to fat in the meal:

  1. First, you need to rule out sweets. Even fruit can spoil the result, not to mention cakes, cookies and pastries.
  2. Fried, fatty foods and pasta should be completely excluded from the menu.
  3. Carbonated beverages, preserves and fruit juices are also not recommended during dieting.
  4. Vegetables (potatoes, beans, peas) that contain a lot of starch in the ingredients.

Rejecting such products will allow you to achieve tangible results in a short period of time.

diet schedule

The power system should proceed as follows:

  1. The daily menu is best divided into several doses (5-6). Drink a glass of purified water on an empty stomach in the morning. Eat your last meal 3 hours before bedtime.
  2. Eat a small amount of porridge and whole-wheat bread before lunch. You can eat fruit (apples, oranges).
  3. Include a protein-containing meal in your post-dinner diet, as well as raw vegetables or salad.

10-day diet menu.

Dishes indicated in the table, independently distributed and alternated throughout the meal time. The recommended protein diet menu for 10 days is shown in the table below.

sky breakfast dinner afternoon tea dinner
first day herbal tea chicken breast,
braised cabbage,
green apple
Fat Free Kefir steamed fish,
the next day unsweetened herbal tea
Whole wheat bread
ears without potatoes,
Cabbage Salad.
kefir fat free
low calorie cheese
day three unsalted tea cooked beef,
raw vegetables
Beet Cabbage Salad
Day 4 Unsweetened Green Tea
Rye croutons.
Stewed Lean Fish with Vegetables Cheese "Tofu"
boiled eggs,
grated carrot
Day 5 Unsweetened Natural Coffee cooked beef,
Cabbage and Cabbage Salad
skim milk non-fat cheese
Day 6 sugar free tea beef soup,
Beetroot Salad
boiled chicken,
Day 7 Tea,
Rye Cookies
fish with vegetables,
Whole wheat bread
Cheese "Tofu"
vegetable salad
Day 8 Unsweetened Natural Coffee boiled chicken,
kefir or ryazhenka,
radish salad,
scrambled eggs
Day 9 unsweetened beverages ears without potatoes
raw vegetables
low-fat cheese vegetable salad
tenth day sugar free tea skinless chicken
tomato salad
apple boiled lean fish

The 10-day weight loss protein diet menu is varied. Servings should be in moderation so as not to overeat and leave the table slightly full.

2 weeks menu.

This is the longest nutritional system that provides effective and stable results. Compliance with 14 days will not cause any inconvenience and discomfort to anyone. Protein Diet Recommendations (14 Day Menu).

sky breakfast dinner dinner
first day unsweetened black coffee 2 hard boiled eggs
stewed cabbage,
A glass of tomato juice
Grilled, fried or steamed fish
the next day sugar free coffee,
rye croutons
boiled fish,
vegetable salad
Boiled beef (250g),
a cup of kefir
day three sugar free coffee,
rye croutons
fried zucchini,
green apple
2 hard boiled eggs, coleslaw, boiled beef (200g)
Day 4 unsweetened black coffee 3 cooked carrot salad,
hard cheese (15g)
Fruit or berries, excluding grapes and bananas.
Day 5 fresh, grated carrots Fish boiled, grilled or steamed.
A glass of tomato juice
Fruit or berries, excluding grapes and bananas.
Day 6 unsweetened black coffee boiled chicken,
vegetable salad
2 hard boiled eggs
fresh, grated carrots
Day 7 Unsweetened tea (green or herbal) boiled veal or beef (250g),
fresh fruits
Have dinner on a day other than day 3

The second week of the 14-day protein diet menu assumes the same diet, ie repeats the first 7 days. Be sure to follow a drinking protocol. You can drink green tea and herbal tea with water. Alcohol is completely forbidden to avoid burdening the liver.

The first meal includes only liquids in the form of tea or coffee. During the meal, it is not advisable to overeat, and it is best to stop when you feel slightly hungry.

Pros and cons of protein diets.

Everyone who is losing weight can enrich the menu by adding their favorite vegetables or unsweetened fruit. Positive features of the system include:

  1. The nutritional system allows you to perform high-intensity exercise that other effective and rapid weight loss methods cannot.
  2. This diet is actually not accompanied by hunger, as protein food takes 4 hours to digest.
  3. Weight normalization.
  4. The immune system is strengthened.
  5. The body recovers. The skin is tightened, cellulite is reduced, and the condition of hair, skin and nails is improved.
  6. Protein diet menus contain plenty of fiber, which may allow you to improve bowel function.
  7. Muscle mass is not depleted due to the presence of protein foods in the diet.
  8. Mild manifestations of fatigue, lethargy, and dizziness, which are characteristic of other diets.
  9. Losing weight is not fast with this nutritional system, and it allows you to maintain a stable weight after withdrawal.

If you stick to a protein diet menu for a long time to lose weight, there may be some negative consequences:

  1. Long-term protein use can negatively impact the health of the skeletal system by causing calcium and other trace elements to be lost from the body.
  2. Reduced performance due to the lowest carbohydrate content in the diet.
  3. Irritability increases due to a lack of fat (the main building material for nerve cells) in the diet.
  4. Blood clotting problems, thrombosis.
  5. Protein nutrition can cause damage to the kidneys and digestive tract.
  6. This is not recommended for people over 60 years old.
  7. Bad breath caused by excess protein foods.

Before starting to lose weight, it is best to consult a specialist to avoid harming your body.


Any nutritional system, including protein diets, can take a toll on the body. Metabolism speeds up, toxins are removed, fat is burned, and the stomach has to adapt to new conditions and other foods.

Organs start working in augmented mode. If everything doesn't work out, chronic conditions can worsen, something that has to be taken into account when switching to the new menu.

In this case, the protein diet is prohibited every day:

  1. diseases of the excretory system;
  2. old age;
  3. during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. cholelithiasis;
  5. Cardiac and Vascular Pathology;
  6. Allergy to citrus fruits;
  7. Gastrointestinal pathology;
  8. diabetes;
  9. puberty.

Any contraindications are a stop sign for those who choose this diet. Losing weight with this nutritional system is possible only after the elimination of contraindications.

Helpful tips to improve performance.

Nutritionists recommend how to lose weight with a protein diet without compromising and compromising your health. Just sticking to a diet may not be enough to get effective results.

It is necessary to use the principles of healthy eating, which will be valid in the future:

  1. Before starting a diet, it is best to have a physical exam.
  2. You need a doctor's permission to adhere to such a nutritional system.
  3. You should consume a multivitamin throughout your diet.
  4. When dizziness strikes, you need to increase your carbohydrate and fat intake. Oatmeal is allowed in the breakfast menu.
  5. If you feel worse, it's better to refuse a protein diet.
  6. During weight loss, you cannot take any medicines.
  7. You should discuss diet with a specialist.
  8. You need to eat strictly on time.
  9. You should keep counting calories: spend more than you consume.
  10. It is best to eat dinner 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  11. Dishes in the menu can only be boiled, stewed or steamed.
  12. Volume of dishes: beverages (200 mg), other dishes (150 g) and fruit (100 g).
  13. Limit the amount of salt you eat.
  14. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. Bad habits should be broken.
  15. Avoid strength and aerobic exercise.
  16. Preferably swimming, fitness, aerobics or Pilates.

attention! The published information is for informational purposes only. Consult your doctor before using diet.